Items: 626 - 650 from 899
Source ID
Nucl. change
Protein change
Add. mut.
Age group
Lindstrand et al. 2016 MJ9E AR400-03 BBS4 deletion of exons 5-6/deletion of exons 5-6 cLOF/cLOF F 10-19 11 1 1 1 1 1 NA
Lindstrand et al. 2016 ZFQ9 AR800-03 BBS4 deletion of exons 5-6/deletion of exons 5-6 cLOF/cLOF M 0-9 5 1 1 1 1 1 NA
Lindstrand et al. 2016 2JO8 44/3 BBS7 c.87_88delCA/c.87_88delCA p.His29Glnfs*12/p.His29Glnfs*12 cLOF/cLOF
M 1 1 1 1 1 1 Israel
Lindstrand et al. 2016 1WD9 AR634-03 BBS7 deletion of exons 16-17/p.Gln293Pro cLOF/MS F 10-19 17 1 1 0 1 0 1 NA
Lindstrand et al. 2016 1WD9 AR634-04 BBS7 deletion of exons 16-17/p.Gln293Pro cLOF/MS M 10-19 15 1 1 0 1 1 NA
Maria et al. 2016 M2A5 F05 V:2 BBS12 c.2014G>A/c.2014G>A p.Ala672Thr/p.Ala672Thr MS/MS M 20-39 20 1 1 0 1 1 0 Pakistani
Maria et al. 2016 M2A5 F05 V:4 BBS12 c.2014G>A/c.2014G>A p.Ala672Thr/p.Ala672Thr MS/MS F 20-39 25 1 1 0 1 0 Pakistani
Maria et al. 2016 AOD6 F01 IV:2 BBS3 c.534A>G/c.534A>G p.Gln178Gln (splice)/p.Gln178Gln (splice) cLOF/cLOF M 20-39 32 1 1 0 1 1 Pakistani
Maria et al. 2016 AOD6 F01 IV:3 BBS3 c.534A>G/c.534A>G p.Gln178Gln (splice)/p.Gln178Gln (splice) cLOF/cLOF M 40+ 40 1 1 0 1 0 1 Pakistani
Maria et al. 2016 B9HM F02 IV:2 BBS5 c.734_744del/c.734_744del p.Glu245Glyfs*18/p.Glu245Glyfs*18 cLOF/cLOF M 40+ 45 1 0 0 1 1 1 Pakistani
Maria et al. 2016 B9HM F02 IV:I BBS5 c.734_744del/c.734_744del p.Glu245Glyfs*18/p.Glu245Glyfs*18 cLOF/cLOF M 40+ 47 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 Pakistani
Maria et al. 2016 MOAU F03 IV:2 BBS5 c.734_744del/c.734_744del p.Glu245Glyfs*18/p.Glu245Glyfs*18 cLOF/cLOF F 10-19 15 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 Pakistani
Maria et al. 2016 AHHU F04 IV:2 BBS9 c.1789C>T/c.1789C>T p.Gln597*/p.Gln597* cLOF/cLOF M 10-19 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pakistani
Marion et al. 2012 CPKG BBE93 BBS17 c.402-406d/c.402-406d p.Pro136Thrfs*/p.Pro136Thrfs* cLOF/cLOF M 10-19 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 Algerian
M'hamdi et al. 2013 VK14 BBS-F01-A BBS1 c.1473+4A>G/c.1473+4A>G splice/splice cLOF/cLOF F 0-9 5 1 1 1 0 1 0 Tunisian
M'hamdi et al. 2013 QUPE BBS-F09-A BBS1 c.1110G>A/c.1110G>A splice/splice cLOF/cLOF F 20-39 21 1 1 0 1 0 0 Tunisian
M'hamdi et al. 2013 QUPE BBS-F09-B BBS1 c.1110G>A/c.1110G>A splice/splice cLOF/cLOF F 20-39 29 1 1 1 0 0 0 Tunisian
M'hamdi et al. 2013 H2VL BBS-F11-A BBS1 c.448C>T/c.448C>T p.Arg146*/p.Arg146* cLOF/cLOF F 20-39 32 1 1 0 1 1 Tunisian
M'hamdi et al. 2013 H2VL BBS-F11-B BBS1 c.448C>T/c.448C>T p.Arg146*/p.Arg146* cLOF/cLOF F 40+ 40 1 1 0 1 0 Tunisian
M'hamdi et al. 2013 7H0X BBS-F12-A BBS1 c.39delA/c.39delA p.Ala14Leufs*28/p.Ala14Leufs*28 cLOF/cLOF
F 10-19 14 0 0 0 1 0 1 Tunisian
M'hamdi et al. 2013 7H0X BBS-F12-B BBS1 c.39delA/c.39delA p.Ala14Leufs*28/p.Ala14Leufs*28 cLOF/cLOF
M 0-9 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tunisian
M'hamdi et al. 2013 0P3E BBS-F08-A BBS10 c.1171_1181dupGCATTTATACC/c.1171_1181dupGCATTTATACC p.Ser396Leufs*6/p.Ser396Leufs*6 cLOF/cLOF
M 10-19 15 1 1 1 1 1 0 Tunisian
M'hamdi et al. 2013 0P3E BBS-F08-B BBS10 c.1171_1181dupGCATTTATACC/c.1171_1181dupGCATTTATACC p.Ser396Leufs*6/p.Ser396Leufs*6 cLOF/cLOF
F 10-19 11 1 1 0 1 1 1 Tunisian
M'hamdi et al. 2013 QJ44 BBS-F02-A BBS2 c.345+5G>A/c.345+5G>A splice/splice cLOF/cLOF
M 0-9 6 1 1 1 1 1 0 Tunisian
M'hamdi et al. 2013 FHWS BBS-F07-A BBS2 c.565C>T/c.565C>T p.Arg189*/p.Arg189* cLOF/cLOF F 0-9 8 1 1 1 1 0 0 Tunisian